7 Quick FAQs About Purity Rings
In this blog post, we wanted to cover answers to some simple questions that we receive about purity rings from teens and their families. These questions are very common, and hopefully, they will help to shed some light on the new tradition of giving purity rings.
1. When did the tradition of wearing purity rings start?
People have been exchanging rings for centuries to mark promises and vows, but the modern tradition of the purity ring as we know it began in the mid-1990s.
2. Can both boys and girls wear purity rings?
Yes, absolutely. While we specialize in purity rings for girls, some of our styles are also appropriate for boys.
3. For how long is a purity ring worn?
Traditionally, purity rings are worn until marriage. They may be removed during or before the ceremony. Because the purity ring is just a symbol of the commitment to remain abstinent, young women may choose to stop wearing their rings as they grow older while still keeping their vows.
4. Can you take off a purity ring to shower or for gym class?
Sure! Taking off a purity ring is not a sign of disrespect or breaking your vow. In fact, it’s better to take off your purity ring when you’ll be playing sports or active, as you don’t want to damage it.
5. Do you need a parent’s permission to wear a purity ring?
Ideally, tweens and teens should talk to their parents about abstinence and sexual health. We wouldn’t advise any minor to start wearing a purity ring without discussing it with their parents first.
6. How many people wear purity rings?
There isn’t a good way to know the answer for sure; however, an article published in the New York Times reported that as of 2005, there had been at least 50,000 purity rings sold from just one designer’s collection.
7. Is the promise of a purity ring a promise not to date?
No, not necessarily. Girls who wear purity rings often still date, though some may choose not to in order to avoid possible pressures to have sex.
Have a question that we didn’t cover here? Leave it in the “Comments” section, and we’ll be sure to answer!